Press trends for news topics published in the Iraqi press An analytical study of the first pages of Al-Sabah newspaper) from (1/1/2022 to 1/2/2022)
press news, press trends, the Iraqi pressAbstract
The art of press news represents the main element among other journalistic arts as it is an essential element in newspaper coverage, whether in the field of print journalism, audio broadcasting or websites, A press news constitutes a prominent aspect in the new media space in our contemporary world, and it always remains the effective way in following up on events and their developments in the midst of the huge amount of them that are attracted by the media in its various forms and trends, It is also difficult to determine the communicative function or the total functions that the press provides to the reader. Press has many functions, including the functions of (social, political, cultural ... etc.), and what increases the difficulty of determining it is the diversity of its trends, contents, interdependence, and the multiplicity of groups of its readers. The problem of our research lies in knowing the press trends of the news topics published on the front pages of Al-Sabah newspaper. The researcher has employed the (descriptive) study, the survey method, using content analysis tools on a one-month sample to analyze the first pages of the Iraqi newspaper Al-Sabah. The objectives of our study are summarized in revealing the knowledge of trends and sources of news published on the first pages of Al-Sabah newspaper, and revealing the trends of published news topics. The results of the research revealed that the news sources published on the first pages of Al-Sabah newspaper showed that scientific news ranked first. The results of the research also revealed that the news topics published in the Al-Sabah newspaper had the international news ranked first
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