Causal mediation analysis of the mother's emotional state Using Regression Lasso with an Application
the mother's emotional state , Mediation analysis , of least squares , regression of lasso.Abstract
This research came with the aim of studying the emotional state of the mother during pregnancy and after childbirth and the effects that accompany the mother using causal mediation analysis in addition to the study data. Mediation is the basis for many fields, the use of mediation analysis nowadays is becoming increasingly popular in many areas of scientific research as well as in other fields such as economic, social and psychological sciences as well as medical sciences. The causal mediation analysis is one of the important ways to know the mechanism of influence between variables, which has played a major role among researchers in recent times. In order to arrive at a model that leads to accurate estimates, it is necessary to find or research the way in which important variables are chosen to be included in the model, especially when the study data suffer from the problem of linearity. Therefore, several methods were used to estimate the mediation variables, which are the least squares method and the Lasso method. To apply the estimation methods, a simple random sample of (50) women was drawn to study the factors affecting the number of births (response variable).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Zakariya Yahya Mohammed, Marwa Burhan Farman

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