Measuring mindfulness among university students


  • prof. Dr. Haidar Jalil Abba Mustansiriyah University \ College of Basic Education



building a scale, mindfulness, university students



The current research aims to:

1- Building a scale of mindfulness among university students 0

2- Identifying the level of mental alertness among university students.

3- Significance of differences in mindfulness among university students at the level of significance (0.05) according to the variables of gender (male - female), specialization (scientific - human).

The search results concluded that:

  1. University students have a level of mental alertness.
  2. There are no statistically significant differences in mental alertness according to the gender variable.
  3. There are no statistically significant differences in mental alertness according to the variable of specialization.
  4. There are no statistically significant differences according to the interaction between gender and specialization.

The result was in agreement with the theoretical framework (the theory of mindfulness) adopted by the researcher in building the research tool and the degree of possession of the sample according to the variables of gender, specialization and interaction between them.

In light of the research results, the researcher recommends a set of recommendations and suggestions


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العلوم التربوية والنفسية

How to Cite

Jalil Abba, H. . (2022). Measuring mindfulness among university students. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 1(47), 185-300.