Cartographic representation of citrus and apple trees in Babylon Governorate
cartographic representation, citrus trees, Babylon Governorate.Abstract
The study sought to represent a cartographic representation of citrus trees and apples in the province of Babylon, through its use of data and information to prepare accurate and design maps. Traditional maps cannot be dispensed with because they are the basis and an important part of identifying the methods of cartographic representation. The cartographic representation method contains a set of symbols that are used to represent the geographical phenomenon in a quantitative manner. The most prominent of which is the method of qualitative regions, relative misinformation, and graphic maps. Through the study, it is possible to show the best ways to represent each characteristic, as one of the most prominent findings of the study is that most of the number of citrus and apple trees were concentrated in the two sides of Sadat Al-Hindiya and Al-Imam, and this is due to the abundance of water and fertile soil, while the best method To represent citrus trees and apples depends on the nature of the data and the amount of variance in it.
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