الموشحات الاندلسية وموسيقى النوبة


  • محمد تقي جون علي كلية الآداب / جامعة واسط




الموشحات الاندلسية, موسيقى النوبة


    The muwashshat was a poetic style different from Arabic poetry since the pre-Islamic era. It was not a development, or simple additions to it. They were delusional who studied the muwashahat when they thought that it was of oriental origins, the development of squares and slashes. The decisive fact is that the Andalusian muwashahat was influenced by (the Nuba), and the composers used to write artistic poems to control the musical notes they composed. At a later time, poets began writing creative poems in the form of the Nuba, which was known as the subject . However, the most important feature of the Andalusian muwashahat was that they were musical par excellence, or that they were poetic templates for the Nuba, which were being put in place by the men who were able to build music with words. This is the essence of the art of Tawheeh, and the distinct difference between the Andalusian Muwashahat and the Mashariqa Muwashahat, which is nothing more than a poetic form that does not stray far from the squares and the lines.


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Sources and references

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How to Cite

تقي جون علي م. (2022). الموشحات الاندلسية وموسيقى النوبة. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 1(47), 97-109. https://doi.org/10.31185/eduj.Vol47.Iss1.2988