Developing curricula for people with special needs in light of the experiences of some Arab countries )Egypt - Saudi Arabia – Jordan(
مناهج ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة ، تطوير المناهج ، واقع المناهجAbstract
Education is considered as one of the most basic thing of the human rights ,which gives the right of each single person to have free education suitable for his or her needs ,this must be done a good environmental that suits the individual needs of each person regardless of his or her disability ,due to the ability of the person to learn effected by various educational disabilities, so good understanding of the disability is one of the most responsibilities of teachers and parents equally.
Disability of education is one of the most important hidden obstacles that hinder school construction at the students. Then delayed will take place therefore as the increasing of the numbers of the specials needs the oriented curriculum for these groups have special case through looking at the literature articles and studies urgent nesses ray needs were found to find out the reality of curricula used for teaching special needs in Libya to know the short comings and their centers of power and examining the experiments of some Arab countries in teaching sector for special needs and the nidification of areas to benefit from these experience and put forward some suggestions that lead to develop the curricula used in Libya in the field of people of special needs in line of development of science in this field
Hence we can say research problem represented at the main question ,what is the reality of the teaching curricula for people with special needs and how to develop them in society the researchers have relied on the descriptive and analytical approaches to presenting proposal that lead to the development of curricula used for people with special needs in proportion to their abilities and readiness
Researchers collected information from(archives .statistic .references. . electronic webs. interviews with centers managers in Sirte city.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Suleman Muftah Milad Alshatr, Daw Ahmed Ali Algle, Omar Ahmed Khalleefaah

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