The visual discourse in the art of fiction
Discourse, visual, visual discourse, image, novelistAbstract
The novelistic art is in constant motion, as it is formed through the assimilation of other arts within it. It invokes heritage, modernity, journalism, and visual elements, and integrates contrasting elements to create a new and different fabric. It allows the novelist the opportunity to shape the narrative structure through a free formulation that prevents it from being compressed into ready-made molds.
The real author is the actual writer and creator of the novel. They write the text and convey their ideas and emotions on its pages, expressing themselves through the narrative and sharing their personal experiences and perspectives with the readers.
Visual discourse is the artistic use of images, symbols, and visual compositions in artistic and literary works. It involves the use of images, colors, shapes, visual rhythms, and the artistic arrangement of texts and images in a way that aims to convey a visual message or communicate a specific idea to the reader.
The author utilizes visual discourse in the novel to enrich the reading experience and deliver their message in a more impactful way. They use imagery, description, and visual storytelling to create a visual interaction between the text and the reader, contributing to a deeper and more significant effect on the reader. This results in a visual discourse within the text, consisting of mental images relying on colors, shadows, light, shapes, and sizes. The novelist employs this discourse in their narrative texts to enable the reader to sense and perceive them visually. The author is able to convey ideas, emotions, and visions more powerfully, and helps the reader understand and interpret hidden meanings, symbols, and visual references embedded in the narrative text.
Visual discourse is an important element and an effective tool in the novel, playing a crucial role in delivering the message and enhancing the impact of the artistic work on the reader. Therefore, studying the definition and nature of visual discourse, as well as the purpose of the novelist's utilization of it within the narrative text, and how it is formulated, has received significant attention.
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