The impact of using digital technologies on developing written expression skills among secondary school students


  • Assist. Lect Shatha Jabbar Umran Wasit University



digital technologies, written expression skills


The research aimed to identify the effect of using digital technologies in developing written expression skills among secondary school students. The researcher used an experimental design, a non-randomly selected control group design with a post-test, and the researcher chose Section (A) of the fourth year of middle school, Al-Nidal Secondary School for Girls, to represent the experimental group that teaches the subject. Expression using digital technologies and Section (B) The control group taught the same subject without using educational technologies, and the number of female students was (64) and (32) female students in each section.

The two groups were rewarded on the variables: chronological age and intelligence. The researcher prepared the research tool to test written expression skills, and the validity and reliability of the tool were verified. The T-test for two independent samples (T-test) was used to process the data. The results showed the superiority of the experimental group that studied the use of digital technologies in developing written expression skills, and the researcher recommended Using the use of digital technologies in teaching.


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How to Cite

Assist. Lect Shatha Jabbar Umran. (2024). The impact of using digital technologies on developing written expression skills among secondary school students. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 56(2), 183-198.