Types of linguistic ills according to Zamakhshari


  • Haider Kazem Deli Qom University, College of Arts and Humanities
  • dr.Rasoul Dehghan D Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Qom
  • dr. Mehdi Moghaddasi Nia Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Qom




Al-Zamakhshari, Grammar, Grammatical reasons, Linguistic reasoning, Connotation, Names.


This article aims to study the linguistic reasoning, a grammatical-semantic study in names, according to one of the imams of knowledge of religion, interpretation, language, and literature, namely Abu al-Qasim Mahmoud al-Khwarizmi al-Zamakhshari. Grammar scholars competed over the cause until it became a kind of personal mental sport, and Al-Zamakhshari was the most prominent of these scholars who delved into the texts of the language to explain and explain its phenomena. His theories in explaining grammar were worthy of research, investigation, and study. Based on this, our research into linguistic reasoning according to Al-Zamakhshari (a grammatical-semantic study of nouns) was determined to discover the effects and opinions of this world, to whom language owes many of the controls that he placed in the foundations of parsing, and which we are interested in discovering, clarifying, and clarifying. The researcher relied on the main sources in Arabic grammar in general, and Basra and Kufic in particular, and the research was divided into four main sections: linguistic reasons in parsed nouns, linguistic reasons in constructed nouns, linguistic reasons in defining and indefinite nouns, and finally linguistic reasoning by methods, where the Studying the reasons for nouns from different aspects, the study reached a clarification of those reasons and detailed them from a grammatical-semantic perspective. Al-Zamakhshari presented the special grammatical reasons for constructing nouns, which are: the reason for constructing a noun due to a quasi-letter, the reason for construction due to a quasi-letter, the reason for constructing a connected meaning, the reason for constructing an active form on a fraction, and the reason for the fact that nouns are not circumstantial, to cover the aspects of the reasons for constructing nouns in a comprehensive explanation that guides every scholar to The field of parsing and its provisions.


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How to Cite

Haider Kazem Deli, dr.Rasoul Dehghan D, & dr. Mehdi Moghaddasi Nia. (2024). Types of linguistic ills according to Zamakhshari. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 56(2), 121-134. https://doi.org/10.31185/eduj.Vol56.Iss2.3987