John Cabot and his Role In English Geographical Discoveries.
Henry V III ,Henry VII, Christoph Columbus , MarcopoloAbstract
England was delayed in the field of geographical statements from the rest of the European countries, due to its preoccupation with the 100 -year war and the civil war that was called the War of the two roses. John Kabout visited it several times and admired its geographical location, and realized the importance of the Bristol port for scout trips, but he did not get enough support for his project, then It returned to it in the year 1496 after the stability of the political and economic conditions in it and the coming of a new ruling family, the Al -Tudor family, which represented the beginning of the Renaissance in the country, as well as the development of the English society that has become a majesty to accept scientific and intellectual developments such as the theory of footballing the earth, and reaching the east on the West side
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