التركيز المزمن على الذات لدى طلبة الجامعة
The present paper aims at identifying University students’ chronic self-focus and statistically important differences among them according to: Gender (male-female), study level (first, second, third, fourth), and discipline (scientific- humanitarian). Concerning the subject of study, the researcher devotes a chronic self-focus scale consisting of 60 paragraphs. The scale has been sent to specialists to validate its paragraphs. The psychometric characteristics have been identified through applying the scale on the study sample which consists of 416 university students. The study sample has been selected randomly. The researcher checked reliability through two ways: repeating the test which has achieved stability coefficient reached 0.90 and Fakronbakh equation which has achieved stability coefficient reached 0.88. It has been concluded that university students have a chronic self-focus higher than the average. There are no statistically significant differences between the variables: Gender (male-female), study level, and discipline (scientific- humanitarian). There are statistically significant differences only as a result to the interaction between gender, study level, and discipline, the differences back to study level (second class).
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