Mental Alertness and its Relation to the Innovative Leadership of the Principals of Secondary Schools at Yatta Directorate of Education from the Perspective of Teachers.


  • kamal Makhamra جامعة الخليل / فلسطين



Mental Alertness, Innovative Leadership


         This study aimed to identify the degree to which the principals of Secondary schools at Yatta Directorate of Education have mental alertness and their relation to innovative leadership from the point of view of teachers. It also aimed at recognizing the extent to which the variables (gender, academic qualification, years of experience) affect the degree to which schools principals have mental alertness and innovative leadership. Population of the study consists of 303 Secondary teachers. 151 teachers were selected to represent the sample of the study. The researcher used the questionnaire of mental alertness and that of the innovative leadership. The study showed the following results: Degree of possessing mental alertness at private schools was medium. The practice of innovative leadership came in a medium degree with a statistically significant positive correlation between the degree of possessing mental alertness and the innovative leadership of managers. Findings also showed no statistically significant differences in the degree of possessing mental alertness and the degree of practicing innovative leadership due to gender, qualification and years of experience variables in favor of a category of more than 10 years. The absence of statistically significant differences in the degree of innovative leadership among managers attributable to gender variable, qualification and years of experience from the perspective of teachers.


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How to Cite

Makhamra , kamal . . (2021). Mental Alertness and its Relation to the Innovative Leadership of the Principals of Secondary Schools at Yatta Directorate of Education from the Perspective of Teachers. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 2(43), 437-466.