Effect of the Concept Attainment Model in the Creative Thinking Stages for the Students of Fourth Scientific Preparatory in Physics Subject
أنموذج اكتساب المفهومAbstract
The Study Aims to Identify the effect of the Concept Attainment Model in the Creative Thinking Stages for the Students of Fourth Scientific Preparatory in Physics subject. To cheek this aim, Zero Hypothesis has been manipulated as follows.
There is no difference with statistical significance at the level abstract (0.05) among the degrees score the Experimental Group which has Studied according to Concept Attainment Model and degrees score in the Control Group which has Studied with the traditional method in the test of Creative Thinking Stages
The sample of the Study has been formed (80) Students which has been selected randomly from the Students of Badr Al - kobra Preparatory School for Boys. This sample has been selected on purpose. The allocation of the groups was (40) Students for Experimental Groups and (40) Students for the Control Groups. The scientific material specifically in the following chapters (Principle Information's in Physics , Mechanic Characteristics for Material ,The Molten , Thermal Characteristics for Material, and Light).
The Researcher has prepared (25) plans for Experimental Group according to Concept Attainment Model and (25) plans according to the traditional method.
The Researcher has built up the Research tool which is testing the Concept Attainment model which consist of (30) multiple – choice items with four alternatives. The Psychometrical features have been taken significantly for the test. The results were that there are differences with statistical significance among the score of the Students degrees of the Experimental Group and those of the Control Group in the Concept Attainment Model test for the Experimental Group.
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