Interdependence of self- interpretation of educational counselors
Interdependence of self- interpretation, educational counselors, Holy Karbala Education .Abstract
The current research aims to identify :
1- Self-interpretation of interdependence among educational counselors.
2- The differences in the self-interpretation of mutual dependence among educators on the interpretation of the variable of sex (males - females).
In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher chose a sample consisting of (100) One of the educational counselors affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Karbala Governorate, and of both sexes (males - females) in middle, preparatory, and secondary schools and for the school year ( 2018 -2019 ), they were chosen by a stratified random method with a proportional distribution, as a scale of self-interpretation with mutual dependence was built on the decoding of Marcus and Keita’s theorem, and the items were statistically analyzed to verify the psychometric properties of the scale represented by the validity of the validity and reliability. Apparent honesty and construction honesty, as for the stability, it was extracted by the test method - retesting and the cronbach’s alpha equation, and then the scale was applied to the basic research sample, and the researcher used the statistical methods that fit with the research data, and after applying the following, the following was reached:
1- Counselor’s have an interdependent self-interpretation.
2- Male counselors show a higher tendency in interdependent self- interpretation than females.
The researcher also put some recommendations and suggestions appropriate with the research results.
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