هيدرولوجية المياه الجوفية في حوض وادي كاني شيخ شرقي محافظة ديالى وإمكانية استثمارها
Abstract :
Water is one of the main components of development in its various previous and contemporary economic and social concepts, as it represents the basic pillar of all human activities. Therefore, the use of water must be improved by adopting methods that guarantee its protection from waste and loss, in a manner that secures the current needs and the needs of future generations .
The water problem and what is expected of it in the future is represented by the growing demand for water resources increasingly in light of the scarcity of surface water resources, so the research included the hydrology of groundwater in terms of its forms, reservoirs, movement and sources of nutrition. It also addressed the depths, level and productivity of wells, as well as its qualitative characteristics .
In conclusion, it was found that the amount of groundwater in the basin of Wadi Kani Sheikh is abundant and of good quality so that it can be invested in economic projects as well as used for drinking animals and watering crops .
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rady Ali, أ.د. حسين كريم حمد الساعدي
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