Administrative Transparency and Leadership


  • Dr. Saira Al-Abed Yarmouk University - College of Education



administrative transparency, leadership


The theoretical survey within this research paper aimed to reveal the importance of administrative transparency and its relationship to leadership and school management. During the research paper, it is summarized as follows:

The concept of administrative transparency, the importance of transparency for the administrative institution and the leader, limits of transparency, advantages of transparency, elements of achieving transparency in the institution, types of administrative transparency, conditions for achieving administrative transparency, measuring transparency in the institution, standards and areas of transparency, the positive effects that occur by achieving transparency in the administrative and leadership style in the educational institution, Challenges and problems facing the leader in implementing transparency and recommendations that the leader can follow to achieve administrative transparency in his organization.

The results of the study showed that practicing the administrative transparency method in educational institutions is very important and a basic leadership style, for what is in the public interest of the institution by providing: Multiple administrative processes: planning, organizing, directing, controlling, implementing, following up and evaluating for evaluation. Transparency extends to be a platform for life and work in the organization in order to build a clear organizational structure for the organization that helps the leader in managing the handling of daily events, participating in decision-making, assuming responsibility for employees, transparency in internal and external relations, attention to human resources, vertical and horizontal communication, defining roles and thus feeling job satisfaction and stability, and this encourages Belonging and teamwork, giving more freedom and creativity, and thus achieving goals and reaching results with quality and efficiency.


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How to Cite

Al-Abed, S. . (2022). Administrative Transparency and Leadership. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 2(46), 181-192.