Numerical and hierarchical distribution of fetal deaths for the health sectors of Wasit Governorate for the period (2012-2022)


  • Zainab Muhamad Taher Muhamad Kazem جامعة واسط/ كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
  • Dr.latif Hashem Kazar Al-Tai جامعة واسط/ كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية



الوفيات ,الجنين .



 The importance of studying fetal mortality is evident from being an important component of population growth, as well as being an influential factor in the structure of the population. The importance of this study is manifested in that it shows facts about the deceased in terms of qualitative and age composition and causes of death as well as the temporal and spatial distribution of them within the study area.  During the numerical and rank distribution of fetal deaths for the period 2012-2022, where the Kut sector ranked first, the Essaouira sector ranked second, the Azizia sector ranked third, the Numaniyah sector ranked fourth, and the neighborhood sector ranked fifth and last. As for the relative distribution, the Kut sector recorded a percentage of  (43.05%), the Essaouira sector recorded a percentage of (21,09%), the Azizia sector occupied a percentage of (18.71%), the Numaniyah sector accounted for (9.65%), and the neighborhood sector occupied a percentage of (7 , 48%).  The fetal mortality has appeared at the level of the health sectors that the cases of fetal deaths have witnessed a noticeable variation in some health sectors during the period 2012-2022 and it applies to the Kut sector, after it was (1054) cases in 2012, it decreased to (792) cases in 2016, then it decreased more to  (91) Cases in 2022 showed that the cases of fetal deaths varied according to the different health sectors and the time period.


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How to Cite

Zainab Muhamad Taher Muhamad Kazem, & Dr.latif Hashem Kazar Al-Tai. (2023). Numerical and hierarchical distribution of fetal deaths for the health sectors of Wasit Governorate for the period (2012-2022). Journal of Education College Wasit University, 51(2), 179-190.