Friendliness Motivation Among  University Students

Friendliness Motivation , University Students


  • حوراء هاشم نعيمة المرياني جامعة واسط/ كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية
  • أ.م.د. مالك فضيل عبد الله القريشي



The current research aims to identify: Motivation of friendliness among university students.  The researcher identified the current research community with students from the University of Maysan/ morning study for the academic year (2022_2023), whose number is (13371), Besides , the research sample included (400) male and female students from the University of Maysan and  a scale , consisting of (28) items,  , and the psychometric characteristics of face  validity and indicators of  construct validity were found. Moreover, a sample of (40) male and female students was utilized  to find consistency  then  the data were analyzed statistically using the Statistical Package  for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and the results showed the following: -   University students enjoy a good amount of friendliness motivation  , which helps them to establish friendly relationships with other individuals, if the calculated t-value In light of the results, the researcher developed a set of conclusions, recommendations and suggestions 


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How to Cite

المرياني ح. ه. ن., & أ.م.د. مالك فضيل عبد الله القريشي. (2023). Friendliness Motivation Among  University Students: Friendliness Motivation , University Students. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 53(1), 455-464.