Attitudes of secondary school students towards art education
اتجاهات، طالبات المرحلة الثانويةAbstract
Psychology, especially social psychology, emphasizes the close link between attitude and individual behavior in daily life situations because it is related to the requirements of their needs more than it is related to the objective characteristics of attitude.
The current research consists of three chapters, including the first chapter: the research problem, which centered on the following question: What are the attitudes of secondary school students towards the specialization of art education? And its importance, psychological trends have an academic and applied research importance. Studying the trend as a basic variable in interpreting behavior and predicting it for the future of the individual is related to the requirements of his needs more than its connection to the objective characteristics of the trend. Therefore, the researcher aimed to know the attitudes of secondary school students towards the specialty of art education. Martyr Abd al-Sahib Dakhil High School for Girls, with its scientific and literary branches, being the last stage that determines the academic specialization, and the second chapter included the theoretical framework, which consisted of two sections, the first topic: the components of the trend, and the second topic: the functions of the trends and methods of measuring them, while the third chapter may be from the research community formed From (214) students and his sample amounted to (98) students from the sixth preparatory stage, with (80) students from the scientific branch and (18) students from the literary branch, and the researcher adopted the descriptive approach as it is the most suitable method for the current research. On their responses to the paragraphs of the Attitude Scale towards Art Education specialization, consisting of (30) items, applied to the study sample.
In the light of the results of the study, the researcher recommended the need to take advantage of the trends scale in other research and studies, as well as encourage art education teachers to their students by explaining the importance of art education and its impact on developing artistic awareness among members of society. It also suggested conducting a study similar to the current study to identify the attitudes of students of the Department of Art Education in the College of Fine Arts towards their specialization according to similar variables such as economic, social and cultural status.
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