A Critical Perspective on Ihsan Abbas in His books Andalusia Translations
Strategy, Thinking, CriticalAbstract
Ihsan Abbas demonstrated excellence in various fields of our Arab and Islamic culture, whether in research, analysis, or literary criticism. His expertise extended to poetry, prose, and the art of translation. In his translations, he adeptly captured distinct prose phenomena, skillfully handling texts with artistic characteristics and features. Ihsan Abbas engaged with Arab and Islamic heritage, focusing on text analysis across a range of domains including Arab literature, literary criticism, prose, poetry, and translation. He treated heritage as a foundation and source for historical and literary study, utilizing traditional works to derive historical and critical insights. His independent work on editing and publishing texts, particularly Andalusian translations, exemplified his commitment. Notably, his comprehensive edition of "Nafh al-Tayyib" by Al-Muqri spans eight volumes, and his publication of Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi's letters in 1955 comprises four volumes, among other significant contributions. Ihsan Abbas approached heritage with a critical perspective, reflecting engagement and idea exchange. He possessed an academic persona, excelling in research and authorship. His profound understanding of Arabic culture, rich linguistic heritage, and extensive knowledge of literary sources in poetry, prose, and literature underscore his scholarly achievements.
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