Contentment in the perspective of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and its impact on achieving social justice and reforming society


  • م.د. محمد كاظم عبدالله كلية الإمام الكاظم للعلوم الإسلامية الجامعة/ (اقسام واسط )



Contentment - asceticism - tolerance - charity - poverty - hatred


Contentment is an inexhaustible treasure. True comfort in this world lies in obedience to God Almighty, and if it is mixed with contentment Being content with what God has divided increases the servant’s happiness and reassurance, and it is one of the great moral virtues and etiquette that he urged. It is required by the sacred law due to its great effects on the individual and society, because the life of the servants in this world is between two extremes: greed or contentment, and the servant chooses between them determines his behavior in this world, and in order to treat the scourge of greed that leads to With servants, humiliation and humiliation, Islam urged contentment and contentment in the world and explained that it is the path to success and happiness and the path of familiarity and affection. The discord, hatred and envy that people fall into is caused by the world and the dispute over it, but in contentment the servants are relieved from temptation and True wealth is the wealth of the soul in that the soul of the servants is content and reassured, even if its owner does not possess any of the debris of the world. If the soul is not satisfied and content and looks at what is in the hands of people, then it is a poor soul that can never be dispensed with. Happiness is for the believer to be self-sufficient in God Almighty, to believe in Him, to be in need of Him, content with what God has apportioned, desiring what is in the hands of His servants, dispensed with them, and not asking anyone but God Almighty. Let him be honorable among the servants, humble and poor in the sight of God, and thus his rank will rise before his Creator, the Almighty. running after the world and its trappings, and thus souls are relieved from sadness and worry. The believer knows. That


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How to Cite

م.د. محمد كاظم عبدالله. (2023). Contentment in the perspective of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and its impact on achieving social justice and reforming society. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 53(1), 13-26.