Requirements for the use of E-learning in the schools of the Islamic Charity Association in Palestine according to teachers


  • فواز فارس التميمي جامعة الخليل ـ كلية الدراسات العليا
  • د.نبيل حبرين الجندي جامعة الخليل- كلّيّة التّربية



التعليم الإلكتروني، متطلبات، مدارس الجمعية الخيرية


This study seeks to verify investigate the requirements for implementing    for e- learning in the schools of the Islamic Charity Association in Palestine,  according to teachers, and verifying the significant of the differences in the averages of teachers responses according to the categorical variables (gender, educational qualification, number of years of experience, school level), The descriptive approach was applied, the tool is the questionnaire and the sample is its basis (124) teachers. It was selected using a comprehensive survey The results showed that the degree of requirements for implementing e-learning in the schools of the Islamic Charity Association was moderate and that there were significant differences in the average responses of teachers responses regarding the requirements of designing the electronic course according to the academic  qualification variable in favor of those with higher degrees, and that there were no statistically significant differences for both (gender, years of experience, and school level).


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How to Cite

فواز فارس التميمي, & د.نبيل حبرين الجندي. (2023). Requirements for the use of E-learning in the schools of the Islamic Charity Association in Palestine according to teachers . Journal of Education College Wasit University, 53(1), 497-518.