Motivational Believes and its Relation To the Three Dimensional intelligence of High Achievers


  • أ.م.د حياة علي جاسم وزرة تربية بغداد / الرصافة الثالثة



المعتقدات الدافعية ، الذكاء الثلاثي الابعاد ، المتفوقين


 The current research aims to identify

1-Identifying the level of motivational beliefs among outstanding students.

2-Identifying the level of three-dimensional intelligence among outstanding students.

3-Identifying the degree and nature of the relationship between motivational beliefs and three-dimensional intelligence among outstanding students.

4-Identifying the difference in the relationship between motivational beliefs and three-dimensional intelligence according to the gender of the students (male/female).

Consisted of (500) male and female students who were chosen randomly with a proportional distribution of (235) males and (265) females.

The following results were reached:

1.Outstanding students have a high level of motivational beliefs, and there is no real difference between the arithmetic and hypothetical means of the external goal orientation dimension, which means that the level of goal orientation among outstanding students is moderate in a natural proportion equal to the percentage seen in normal society.

2.Outstanding students have a high level of analytical and practical abilities. Outstanding students have a moderate level of creative ability and there is a real difference between the general average of three-dimensional intelligence and hypothetical, which means that they enjoy a three-dimensional level of intelligence.

3.An increase in the level of motivational beliefs among outstanding students is accompanied by an increase in their level of triangular intelligence.

  1. There is a greater correlation between motivational beliefs and three-dimensional intelligence among males than among female outstanding students.


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How to Cite

أ.م.د حياة علي جاسم. (2023). Motivational Believes and its Relation To the Three Dimensional intelligence of High Achievers. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 53(1), 519-544.