The scene picture in the satire of Kafur Al-Akhshidi


  • Dr. Talib Maher Fahd المديرية العامة لتربية محافظة البصرة



Scenes, Satire, Photography Technique, Vilification Poem.


Al-Mutanabbi (915-965) satirized "Kafur Al-Ikhsheedi (946-968 AD)" as a moral and ethical individual satire, in which he addressed a direct censure in which he dealt with the defects of external appearance and morals, immortalizing the man with the negatives stuck in the mind of everyone who heard the word "satire", which It now refers the recipient to scenic images of "Al-Mutanabbi"'s satire of "Al-Ikhsheedi", with whom he coveted a mandate, but the latter disappointed the poet, so he met scenes of reprehensible descriptions in poems written by "Al-Mutanabbi" to show the ugliness of his actions and his neighborhood. Hence, the importance of this study, which seeks to discover the artistry of the scenic image in the satire of the poet "Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi", to Kafur al-Ikhshidi by studying the poems of vilification that he wrote in it, and dealing with it in a new concept based on the study of the complete scenic image of this art, away from fragmentation, to draw Images of vilification, which will explain the creative writing technique used by the poet, according to which he made vilification as descriptive-spoken images in poems, in which the forgiver is attracted to discover the character of "Cavour", despite the ugliness that these images embody to the man. Let's look for a new technique in old poems based on the idea of landscape photography with all the elements of simulation used by the poet.

Accordingly; this research opens the door to a mixture study of the poem of vilification based on the scene tracking of the event as following a movie, which takes the poem out of its old templates while preserving its poetic content, to analyze a poet, no matter how many topics he deals with, the knowledge stock remains room for new treatment, as long as the issues raised are new ones. researchers have not explored it before.

It remains for us to say that every research experience about Al-Mutanabbi is a new adventure at the bottom of a rhetorical ocean that overflows every year with a new idea, which can be invested and tracked in new research, and this is what prompted us to study the scenic image in the satires of Camphor Al-Ikhshidi. This study will require, in order to achieve its objectives, to reveal the scenic images in the satire of form, the scenic images in the satire of behavior, and the spectacle of the poet's revenge in the satire, to end by showing the function of the spectacle satire


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How to Cite

Dr. Talib Maher Fahd. (2024). The scene picture in the satire of Kafur Al-Akhshidi. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 54(1), 143-156.