A novel in the novel of the murder of the book seller through Mikhail Bakhtin's theory


  • م.د. محمد غركان سرحان جامعة واسط/ كلية علوم حاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات




The theory of "Bakhtin" derives its epistemological validity and methodology from the influence it has had in the various critical trends that have enriched the European monetary scene since the sixties of the twentieth century. The theory of literary races is also one of the modern critical theories that interest in which has recently emanated in literary works, and it appears that it is from theories that the ancient critics did not understand, and they did not dive into the probe its depths and secrets, and it is calculated for contemporary Western critics to stand there. In his book "The Narrative Discourse", he drew attention to the interference of literary races in the novel, and he was characterised by interspersed races, and "Durove" talked about its origins and relations, in his study that he called "literary types," and "Julia Christieva" in her book "The science of the text The closed text, the textual overlap, and Gérard Genet stopped in his book "Introduction to the Text Collector" when the literary races overlapped, and called it: the Text Collector.


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ثانيًا- المراجع الأجنبية

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How to Cite

م.د. محمد غركان سرحان. (2023). A novel in the novel of the murder of the book seller through Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 53(1), 205-216. https://doi.org/10.31185/eduj.Vol53.Iss1.3730