The Problem of Sinophobia in Daniel York's PlayThe Complex of Dr. Fu Manchu


  • Hala Mohammed Ali جامعة واسط/ كلّيّة التربيّة للعلوم الإنسانيّة
  • Asst. Prof Mayada Zuhair Alkhafaji University of Baghdad, Department of Theoretical Sciences



This study aims at shedding light on the problem of Sinophobia or the fear of China taking over the globe and other related topics of race and racism in Daniel York's play ‘The Complex of Fu Manchu’. It answers the questions of how the British people see the Chinese; and the way York depicts the portrait of the Chinese in British eyes. The researchers, therefore, have analyzed and discussed the problem of Sinophobia that was prevalent in Sax Rohmer's early-twentieth-century Fu Manchu but now finds expression in the present as China gains economic and political power. The Fu Manchu Complex is a satirical farce that mocks any colonial desire for the Victorian Empire, as well as the illusory security of race, that the time is said to impart in White Britons. The play is a distinct and direct response to British theatrical portrayals of China and wider xenophobia. It presents a powerful articulation and rejection of the persecution that BEAs have suffered. The play is a comedy/murder mystery set in East London in the nineteenth century, with two English men on the hunt for the wicked Chinese genius Fu Manchu and Save England from The Diabolical Chinese. The study concludes that scheming to take over the world by China was and still a nightmare for the West. This is what the Chinese have always done, and are still attempting to do up to this century


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How to Cite

Hala Mohammed Ali, & Asst. Prof Mayada Zuhair Alkhafaji. (2023). The Problem of Sinophobia in Daniel York’s PlayThe Complex of Dr. Fu Manchu. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 53(1), 619-632.