Spatial Analysis of Kindergarten Services in Urban Centers of Wasit Governorate Using Geographic Information Systems(GIS)


  • Muna Abdul Ghani Majid Al kazimi Open Educational College / Wasit Study Center



Kindergarten – spatial distribution – distribution trends – distribution patterns .


The research aims to study the spatial distribution of kindergarten services in Wasit Province for the academic year (2022-2023) and to identify the trends and patterns of their distribution and density represented by (mean center, median location, standard distance, distribution trend, nearest neighbor, kernel analysis) through the use of statistical analyzes and GIS techniques. The research finds that Wasit Province currently suffers from poor distribution of kindergarten schools. It turns out by determining the trend and pattern of the distribution of the phenomenon, which is represented by the clustered pattern, that it is concentrated in the center of the province (the city of Kut). Using Kernel analysis, the study also proves that the phenomenon under study has taken the form of spread, dispersion, and deprivation in the rest of the districts and sub-districts of the province


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How to Cite

Muna Abdul Ghani Majid Al kazimi. (2024). Spatial Analysis of Kindergarten Services in Urban Centers of Wasit Governorate Using Geographic Information Systems(GIS). Journal of Education College Wasit University, 55(1), 263-275.