The conscientiousness among traffic men


  • Khaled Matlob Shenawe College of Arts. University of Baghdad
  • Dr. Sanaa Issa Al-Daghistani College of Arts. University of Baghdad



liveliness of conscience - traffic police


The current research aimed to identify the level of liveliness of conscience among traffic police officers, as well as to identify individual differences in liveliness of conscience according to rank (officer, commissioner), academic achievement (intermediate, middle school, bachelor’s degree and above), as well as years of service from (1-10), (11) -20), (21 and above). The researcher prepared a measure of the vitality of conscience, whose psychological content is based on the theory of (Costa & Mccrea 1992). It consists of (36) items distributed over (6) areas: (competence - organization - sense of duty - struggle for achievement - self-discipline - deliberation) and with five answer alternatives, as mentioned above. The sample was composed of (300) traffic policemen (officers, commissioners) from the Wasit Governorate Traffic Directorate (91 officers, 209 commissioners). Using statistical methods, the t-test, Pearson, and standard deviation, it was found that the research sample had a high level of conscientiousness. Likewise, there is no statistically significant difference in the vitality of conscience depending on the rank variable, and there is no statistically significant difference in the vitality of conscience depending on the service variable, and there is a statistically significant difference in the vitality of conscience depending on the achievement variable


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How to Cite

Khaled Matlob Shenawe, & Dr. Sanaa Issa Al-Daghistani. (2024). The conscientiousness among traffic men. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 57(1), 477-492.