The Exists of Linguistic Sounds between Ancients and the Modernist
Linguistics, sounds, exists, sounds of al-mad, movementsAbstract
Linguists differed in the past and modern years in many of the exists of sounds. They differed in the term of the director, so the namings of the ancients were between the direct and the utterance, while the namings of the modernists were between keeping up with the old ones and between the locked and position They differed in the number of Arabic language sound exists. These are seventeen exists by Al-Khalil, sixteen by Sibawayh, excluding Al-Jouf exist, and fourteen by some linguists The modernists did not agree on the number of exists. Some of them made them eleven; others
Made them ten, and others made them nine or eight exists The rrangement of sounds exists by ancients was different from that arrangement of the
modernists. The former started from the throat, the soft palate, the palate, the folds, and the lips whereas some of the modernist started from the lips, the teeth, the palate, the throat, and the larynx. Some of the modernists hesitated between the two arrangements. They prepare the exits starting from the lips, then they elaborate and begin with the throat and they justify that for the sake of balancing with the arrangement of ancient Arabs .
They also differed in describing the exits of many sounds, such as the hamza that put by Al-Khalil at the end of the exits with al-alaf, al-waw, and al-yaa once and he said it was laryngeal again and al-dhad that the modernist differed in describing it based on their dialects Al-dhad is one of the transferring sounds in the modern Arabic. Sibawayh’s description does
Not match with him in sound pronunciation of a contemporary dialect. The opinions in the exist of al-gem differ in the part that comes out of it, whether from the tongue or from the palate The Arab linguists gave noticeable interest to madea letters, and presented their acoustic
features and grammatical and morphological effects, whether that was long or short. Most of that appears in Al-Khalil and Ibn Jenni. The ancients did not pay attention to the exists of the movements or how to produce them. As for the modernists, they counted the exists of these movements as the exists of the corresponding letters with the difference in quantity This research showed the differences between linguists, the causes and results. The most important finding is that the difference in description between the ancients and the modernists is due to the lack of clarity of the old term in most places, and the development that occurred in the pronunciation of some sounds due to their influence in dialects
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