Cartographic representation of Analysis of the spatial and functional efficiency of educational services in Al-Dour city using GIS
spatial efficiency, functional, educational services, geographic information systems, Al-Dour city.Abstract
Our study aims to study and describe the distributional reality of all schools at different levels, and the suitability of this distribution with the population densities within Al-Dour city, in terms of quantity, type and location, and to demonstrate their quantitative, spatial and functional efficiency at the neighborhood level. The study showed an increase in the population from 9,062 people in 1987 to 24,628 people in 2022 in Al-Dour city, with a growth rate of 3.21%. The number of primary schools reached 22 schools, 6 intermediate schools, and 7 schools for the preparatory and secondary stages.
The indicators of the efficiency of educational services showed that the study area suffers from a shortage of intermediate, preparatory and secondary schools, as many neighborhoods lack these schools, especially the neighborhoods located on the outskirts of the municipal borders, as they are characterized by a regular spaced distribution, while we find that the number of primary schools covers most neighborhoods, but they are distributed randomly, not commensurate with the population distribution in the neighborhoods.
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