Chinese Strategy in the Arctic Region
geostrategic importance, Arctic, geographical characteristics of the region, political situation, foreign policy principles, foreign policy objectives.Abstract
The Arctic region has witnessed international competition due to the region's wealth and sea lanes. It is clear that China has a set of goals that it seeks to achieve in the Arctic. These goals include deepening exploration and understanding of the Arctic, protecting the Arctic environment, combating climate change, using Arctic resources legally, actively participating in cooperation and governance, and promoting peace and stability in the region. Its interests in the region are represented in the field of security, resources, science and technology, while the motives for its participation in this competition were represented by its ambitions for the largest future area of remaining oil on Earth, and its great desire to exploit untapped natural resources such as copper, gold and others, through northern shipping. In the military field, the Republic of China considers the Arctic a vital part of its nuclear security, while the dimensions of Chinese policy in the Arctic are represented in the fields of transportation, resources, climate, scientific research, shipping and marine fishing. Its strategy in the region focused on the economic and scientific fields.
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