The impact of climate change on grain production in Nineveh province


  • Dr. Abd Alij Abd Al-Dulaimi University of Al-Salam – Baghdad



Climate change, crop, cereals, , Nineveh


The study aimed to identify the main factors causing climate change in the region and understand the impact of human and natural activities on these changes. It also aimed to assess the impact of climate change on plant growth, focusing on how changing temperatures, precipitation rates, and humidity patterns affect agricultural crops. It also aimed to explore the relationship between climate change and the increased spread of agricultural pests and diseases that affect agricultural production. The study followed the descriptive analytical approach, which aims to describe the phenomenon of the impact of climate change on grain production, and then analyze this phenomenon through statistical data and available scientific sources. Climate changes over the past decades will be analyzed, and their direct impact on agricultural production in the Al-Jazeera region or Nineveh Governorate will be evaluated. The study concluded that climate change, such as rising temperatures and drought, has led to a significant decline in grain productivity in the Al-Jazeera region and Nineveh Governorate. Rainy seasons have decreased, which has negatively affected the cultivation of basic crops. Climate change has contributed to the emergence and spread of new agricultural diseases that have affected the quality and productivity of crops, with an increase in pests and diseases resulting from rising temperatures and changes in humidity. The decline in grain production has increased the risk of food shortages, as the region’s population relies heavily on grain production to meet their basic food needs. The study recommended the need to provide awareness and training programs for farmers on how to deal with the effects of climate change and adapt to it through modern agricultural methods, the need to establish a monitoring and evaluation system for agricultural diseases that arise or worsen due to climate change, and to provide effective treatment solutions to limit their spread, and the need to develop agricultural strategies based on modern technologies, such as drip irrigation and the use of improved seeds that resist drought and tolerate climate change.


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How to Cite

Dr. Abd Alij Abd Al-Dulaimi. (2024). The impact of climate change on grain production in Nineveh province. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 57(1), 325-338.