التحليل المكاني لخصائص المياه الجوفية في محافظة القادسية


  • اياد علي فارس الجامعة المستنصرية/كلية التربية
  • عباس فاضل جامعة واسط/ كلية التربية




        Groundwater is one of the important sources for human use and for irrigation, industry, and contamination by human and industrial activities requires serious attention, especially in areas where water is a major source of groundwater where. Hence this study was to estimate the groundwater characteristics, and determined the study area between latitudes (31 17 18) and (32 24 24) to the north, and longitudes (44 24 24) and (45 49  6) to the east, and is characterized by the study area there is a fluctuation in the groundwater levels, especially in the dry season (summer), and the dryness of many groundwater wells. , And water samples were collected during the first two seasons was in the month of April and the second in the month of September, to determine the amount of change and trends in groundwater characteristics and causes during the two seasons. Laboratory analyzes included all of the physical and chemical characteristics of the groundwater. To determine the characteristics of the water used forms and charts using specialized programs, such as statistical analysis was performed using the program Statistica V.10)) for factor analysis (Factor analysis) and to the reduction of the data and determine the concentration areas. The spatial analysis of the characteristics of the water, it was conducted using a spatial analysis of GIS program using information technology (ArcGIS v.10.2). The study used both CBS scheme (Gibbs, 1970) was used to classify the water and understand the phenomena hydrogeochemical groundwater and the mechanism that controls the chemical composition of the groundwater, and the results show that most of the properties of water samples in both months, with continued evaporative. Most Aniat showed Ancodea distribution in both months, and this shows the convergence of Sahnadtha mineral properties. The results of the factor analysis Factor analysis)) of water samples in the month of April, it has shown a link to the properties of water in seven factors, as distributed in the month of September on five factors. Spatially presence in a number of sites has been focused in both months came concentration in


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علي فارس ا., & فاضل ع. (2018). التحليل المكاني لخصائص المياه الجوفية في محافظة القادسية. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 1(18), 227-258. https://doi.org/10.31185/eduj.Vol1.Iss18.294