Türkiye's position on the US invasion of Iraq in 2003


  • اياد عجاج فيان جامعة دهوك- كلية العلوم الإنسانية
  • أ.م.د. سعاد حسن جواد جامعة دهوك- كلية العلوم الإنسانية- قسم التاريخ




Iraq, Türkiye, United States, occupation, 2003


Turkey’s Position toward US Invasion of Iraq in 2003 was Complicated and Volatile, which can be summarised as follows:

The initial cautious position: In the beginning, Turkey was cautious but also hesitant in its position toward the US invasion of Iraq; it felt worried about the repercussions of a potential war on the stability of the region and its national economy. Turkey was also afraid of the creation of a Kurdish State in the northern part of Iraq, which was viewed a source for Kurdish unity inside Turkey.

Accession to the US-led Coalition: After the US forces made advances and as the military operation was about to pay off, Turkey decided, subsequently, to join the US-led international coalition. This decision was partially made under international pressure and to safeguard its political and economic interests.

Economic interest: Economically speaking, Turkey is largely associated with Iraq, specifically interns of trade and oil. As a result of war, commercial activity was affected and oil exportation to Turkey ceased, negatively affecting its economy. Therefore, Turkey was interested in restoring stability to the trade and market in Iraq.

Worries about the Creation of a Kurdish State: Turkey expressed concerns about potential creation of a Kurdish state in the north of Iraq which pushed Turkey to interfere in the internal affairs of Iraq and Kurdistan by threatening to invade the north of Iraq on the pretext of PKK presence but in actuality the key reason was to obstruct the creation of a Kurdish State in the northern part of Iraq and to put a limit to Kurdish rebellion inside Turkey.

It is obvious that Turkey’s position was based on its political, security, and economic interests and changed according to developments taking place in Iraq and the advances made by US forces. Turkey’s reaction changed from initial caution to joining the international coalition to achieve its interests and enhance ties with international powers


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أ‌- الاطاريح الجامعية

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الصحف التركية والأجنبية

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الصحف باللغة العربية

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الصحف باللغة الكوردية

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How to Cite

اياد عجاج فيان, & أ.م.د. سعاد حسن جواد. (2024). Türkiye’s position on the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 54(2), 113-132. https://doi.org/10.31185/eduj.Vol54.Iss2.3675