The Relational Analysis of the Holy Names of Almighty Allah in the Glorious Quran
Al-asmā Al-hasnā, Names and Naming , Language of Glorious Quran , Semantics , Lexical RelationAbstract
The current study is conducted to identify the lexical relationship between the Holy Names of Almighty Allah; al-asmā al-hasnā (The Most Beautiful Names) الاسماء الحسنى. There are many magnificent aspects of the Glorious Quran in terms of content and form, so no single translated version can encapsulate all these aspects. The primary difficulty of Holy Quran translators in translating these Holy Names was the lexical compressing of these Holy Names, which included several levels of meaning inside a single linguistic unit. This study aims to state the contextual meaning of the selected data and identify the lexical relations, including ( synonymy, antonym, homonymy, and polysemy ) between these Holy Names. The researchers adopt a model based on Palmer's (1981) theory of lexical relations by selecting four Quranic texts from the Holy Quran to analyse these Holy Names to achieve the study aims. This study concludes that these Holy Names are near synonymous; total or absolute synonyms do not exist between Almighty Allah's Holy Names, however, if they have the same linguistic roots. Several Quranic texts employ these Holy Names in Holy and non-holy contexts. They have a single meaning when they occur in the Glorious Quran as Holy Names. Still, they seem to be polysemous terms with several meanings in the descriptions of non-divine things.
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