تمُّرد بوكاشييف وأثره في حركة الإصلاح الروسي في عهد كاترين الثانية ( 1773-1785).


  • علي خيري مطرود, Ass. Prof. Dr جامعة واسط/ كلية التربية





   The Pugachev's rebellion is one of the most important revolutions in Russia throughout its history, and it is not only related to the size of the military rebellion and its geographical capacity, but also to the important influence of both the Russian society and the behavior of the Russian government during the reign of  the Queen Catherine II. Consider many of its policies, laws and behavior towards many of its social components, Add to that the insurgency was not just an automatic reaction to the law or policy of a state, as much as was a rejection of the general conduct of the government because the causes of the rebellion varied between political, economic, social, religious and even cultural, The presence of Muslims and their participation in the insurgency have given it added importance because it is one of the few times Christians and Muslims have cooperated with the cesarean government, For this purpose, we will discuss the rebellion of Pugachev  and its influence in the reform movement in the era of Catherine II(1773-1785), in terms of the causes of the rebellion and its military tracks and its subsequent impact on the behavior of the Russian government and its policy towards its various components.


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How to Cite

خيري مطرود ع. (2018). تمُّرد بوكاشييف وأثره في حركة الإصلاح الروسي في عهد كاترين الثانية ( 1773-1785). Journal of Education College Wasit University, 1(29), 166-193. https://doi.org/10.31185/eduj.Vol1.Iss29.148