الخصائص الاقتصادية لأسرة الأطفال الرضع واثرها على الرضاعة الطبيعية و الصناعية في حضر مراكز اقضية محافظة واسط


  • Aya hani جامعة واسط / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
  • أ.د. ناجي سهم رسن




The variation in the economic characteristics of the families of the infants had an effect on the difference in the proportions of natural and industrial breastfeeding, as the entry of the mother into the field of work and being distracted from the home for certain hours had an impact on the mother's tendency to breastfeeding, on the contrary to the mothers who were housewives and non-workers, and the income level also contributed Monthly in determining the mother’s orientation towards the type of breastfeeding, as the results of the study showed that the high level of monthly income was one of the reasons for mothers ’tendency to breastfeeding, and the case for breastfeeding was different as the rates of breastfeeding increased for families with middle and weak income.


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How to Cite

hani, A., & أ.د. ناجي سهم رسن. (2023). الخصائص الاقتصادية لأسرة الأطفال الرضع واثرها على الرضاعة الطبيعية و الصناعية في حضر مراكز اقضية محافظة واسط. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 51(2), 99-114. https://doi.org/10.31185/eduj.Vol51.Iss2.1989