تحليل لغوي ادراكي لتمثيلات المسلمين في جريدة :The Times احتجاجات برمنكهام، 2019ومقتل باتي ، 2020
cognitive analysis, ideology, Muslim representation, proximization , The TimesAbstract
This paper studies how linguistic choices are utilized in the press to achieve particular conceptualizations in the reader's mind. It aims to explore how The Times represents Muslims in its news reports. The data is analysed qualitatively by adopting Hart's model of proximization (2014) as a conceptual parameter through which ideology and legitimacy are enacted in the reports. The findings show that as a strategy of interventionist discourse, proximization is exploited to present Muslims as a threat to the self by emphasizing Us vs Them Polarization. A significant finding is that as a right-wing organization, The Times represents Muslims in a way that reflects an extreme-nationalist debate interdiscursively associated with discourses of “the war on terror” by relying on proximization strategy.
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