الصورة النمطية للجنسين والتمثيل الثقافي للمرأة الصينية في مسرحية يانغ - ماي أوي شجن الأقدام المقيدة – حياة تروى في احذية


  • هالة محمد علي عاشور جامعة واسط/ كلّيّة التربيّة للعلوم الإنسانيّة
  • أ.م. ميادة زهير الخفاجي




guilt, divorced women


A patriarchal system that produces gender stereotypes and associated difficulties, whether deliberately or unconsciously, is easily encountered in everyday life. Gender stereotypes are reinforced by a patriarchal system that incorporates societal judgments and divides society into two categories: masculinity (men stereotypes) and femininity (women stereotypes), which allude to biological differences between men and women and are used to empower men and disempower women in society. The goals of this study are to examine the representation of the patriarchal system in Ooi's Play, as well as the portrayal of female major characters who defy the patriarchal system in the play. The study findings reveal that the patriarchal system and its aspects, such as male dominance, male identity, male centeredness, and concern with control, are encouraged in the society shown in the play. Although the two female main protagonists live in a patriarchal society, they do not succumb to the patriarchal order and the traditional gender roles that are placed on them as submissive women; instead, they confront and destroy the societal systems


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How to Cite

هالة محمد علي عاشور, & أ.م. ميادة زهير الخفاجي. (2023). الصورة النمطية للجنسين والتمثيل الثقافي للمرأة الصينية في مسرحية يانغ - ماي أوي شجن الأقدام المقيدة – حياة تروى في احذية. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 51(2), 383-392. https://doi.org/10.31185/eduj.Vol51.Iss2.3631