King Henry VIII and his relationship with the papacy
Henry VIII, Papacy, England, Marriage, DivorceAbstract
The relation of Henry Vlll′s to the popery is one of the important subjects of which the Arabic reader does not know much in spite of the contact between Britain and the Arab world in general and Iraq in particular.
Henry Vlll′s divorce of Catherine of Aragon was the direct reason, for the conflict between England and the Popery. In addition to this divorce there were other important reasons that were not less effective then it and they gathered momentum with the passage of time and led England to break her relations with the popery.
The popes policy were contradictory with the national ambitions. the popeis authority in imposing taxes and in the judicial issues was contradicted with the national spirit and Henry Vlll′s will to establish power in his country.
The people of England preferred the nationalization of the church in their country and putting an end to the power of the clergy men who were an independent body like a state with in the state and they only. followed their pope ; they did not pay anything to the state, hence the public opinion was ready to support the in dependence of the king dome from the church of Rome.
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