Temporal and spatial variation of skin disease infections in Baghdad and Wasit governorates


  • Rese. Abdul Kareem Abbas Kareem جامعة القاسم الخضراء
  • Prof.dr. Nasser Wali Freih جامعة واسط/ كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية




temporal and spatial variability, skin diseases, study area


There are spatial variations in the number of people with skin diseases in the two governorates of the study area. Spatially, Baghdad governorate topped the number of recorded infections of all skin diseases with (503,885) injuries, while those with eczema came at the forefront of diseases in Baghdad governorate with (182,455 injuries), while at the level Wasit Governorate, the total number of infected people reached about (122066 injuries), and eczema comes at the forefront of diseases in the governorate with (50994 injuries). In addition to temporal variations in patients with skin diseases in the study area at the monthly and quarterly levels. During the winter, cutaneous leishmaniasis, scarlet fever, and scabies appeared, specifically during January and February, while during the spring season, eczema, measles, and chicken pox came first, while During the summer, molluscum contagiosum and impetigo are common, and in the fall, psoriasis is common


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How to Cite

Rese. Abdul Kareem Abbas Kareem, & Prof.dr. Nasser Wali Freih. (2024). Temporal and spatial variation of skin disease infections in Baghdad and Wasit governorates . Journal of Education College Wasit University, 54(1), 221-238. https://doi.org/10.31185/eduj.Vol54.Iss1.3646