The Thermal Characteristics of Surface Air Masses Influencing Iraq's Weather and Climate


  • Asst. Prof.Dr. Oras Ghani Abdul-Hussein University of Baghdad - College of Education for Women



Air Masses, Thermal Characteristics, Weather, Climate


Iraq enjoys a distinctive geographical diversity that witnesses the influence of numerous natural factors on its weather and climate. Among these factors are "air masses," which play a pivotal role in defining the meteorological conditions therein. This study aims to explore these air masses, which are massive collections of air characterized by shared distinctive properties such as temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. These masses form when air resides in a specific region for a period of time, constituting a relatively homogeneous system. The importance of studying them arises from the fact that air masses are a fundamental element in understanding and elucidating weather conditions and climatic changes in different regions of the world. This understanding can be achieved through studying and analyzing the frequency of their occurrence, their persistence, their thermal characteristics, and the relationship between the duration of the masses and giving the stable area its thermal characteristics. The research relied on analyzing daily weather maps for the nighttime (00:00)GMT and daytime (12:00)GMT observations of the surface air masses affecting Iraq's weather and climate at the surface level (1000) millibars for a climatic cycle lasting from (2010-2020) and for stations in Mosul, Baghdad, Rutbah, and Basra, representing surface sections of Iraq. By using Pearson's coefficient, correlations were found between the duration of the masses and their accompanying thermal characteristics.


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How to Cite

Asst. Prof.Dr. Oras Ghani Abdul-Hussein. (2024). The Thermal Characteristics of Surface Air Masses Influencing Iraq’s Weather and Climate. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 54(1), 239-270.