Indicators of parents’ body language (positive - negative) and its impact  on children aged   (6-11) years from their point of view


  • Lec.Asmaa Abbas Aziz الدليمي Diyala & University/ Childhood & Motherhood Research Center



Indicators , body language , evolutionary study , children


The large number of negative behaviors among children at the present time is due to the acquisition of foreign cultures, such as serials, films, and videos, that have changed the customs of society and affected all its segments negatively, and as a result of the socialization of the family, not their children. And by virtue of the researcher’s dealings with the children, she sensed multiple body languages in them, and when he asked them what they mean or from whom they acquired them, reference is made to Parents and teachers in schools, and because body language is considered an important means of communication, it is used (60-70%) daily. In return, it is also affected by the same effect as the linguistic language of communication because it reveals the sincerity of the feelings and intentions of the person opposite. The researcher decided to conduct this research to answer the following questions: What are the body languages most used by parents with their parents from the point of view of the children themselves, depending on the variable of gender and age, and does the body language of the parents have a perspective? Do their children have a positive or negative developmental path? Intermittent or continuous? In order to achieve the following research objectives, identifying the positive and negative body language of parents and its impact on children from their point of view according to the gender variable (males - females) and the age variable (6-7-9-11) years. And tracking the developmental path of the parents’ body language according to the variable (gender and age). The researcher prepared the research tool, extracted its apparent validity, content repulsion, and reliability, then applied it to the research sample and treated the grades statistically. The research came out with a set of results, which are: There is a continuous negative developmental path for the parents’ body language with their children, as The results showed that the older the individual, the more negative body language issued by his parents increased, although there was no difference between the males and females of the research sample from their point of view of the body language their parents used with them. Thus, the researcher recommended conducting educational courses for educational staff in schools and kindergartens about the most important body languages. Positivity that should be used by parents Publishing posters, brochures, and brochures about the most important and benefits of positive body language in educational institutions and state departments, and testing new cadres in all educational institutions and state departments, governmental and private, with body language and making it one of the preferred criteria for accepting a new job. The researcher also proposed conducting several studies, including conducting an experimental study of the impact of the program. Awareness of the body language of employees in state departments and institutions on job performance and the impact of an awareness program of the body language of educational staff on the achievement of pupils and students.


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How to Cite

الدليمي L. A. A. . (2024). Indicators of parents’ body language (positive - negative) and its impact  on children aged   (6-11) years from their point of view. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 54(1), 383-394.