The verb “hayya” is between transitivity and immanence


  • أ.د مجيد خير الله راهي الزاملي Dr.majeed kh. Rahi جامعة واسط / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
  • Dr.enaam lababidi جامعة حلب /كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية



The verb, “howie”, transitivity, immanence.


The phenomenon of transitivity and immanence in Arabic has an important aspect in the field of morphological and grammatical studies, and it has a clear place in the grammatical code, as scholars divided verbs into two parts:

One of them: the intransitive verb: it is called the minor and non-transitive, because it bound the verb and did not move it to the object. Sibawayh called it the subject whose action does not exceed it, like: Zaid went, and Amr sat, and its meaning is that which does not set one or more objects by itself. Like: He went out, sat down, and slept.

As for the second, it is the transitive verb, and it is called the actual and transitive verb, meaning its trace goes from the subject to the object, and this trace goes beyond to its accusative, like the Almighty saying, “And when Zayd had finished with her, We made her in marriage.

Among the verbs are those that are described as both transitive and intransitive, because it is used in two ways. Sometimes it is transitive, so it becomes the direct object, and other times it is intransitive by inserting the preposition into it, such as: I thanked him and I thanked him, I advised him and I advised him, I weighed him and I weighed for him.

Among that verb is “he fell.” What is known about it is that it is a transitive verb, and it may be intransitive. If you had a desire, and you announced it, and you said: I fell, and you want to reveal what has befallen you of distress that takes hold of the heart, then the verb is intransitive, with which you reveal what concealed you from an inner symptom. And if you were the subject of a desire, and you said: His identity in transgression, then you intended to go beyond revealing what befell you of his desire and patience to express what was the object of your desire, and you say in the adjective of him: I am an amateur, a participle indicating the occurrence. This is the analogy


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How to Cite

Dr.majeed kh. Rahi أ. م. خ. ا. ر. ا., & Dr.enaam lababidi. (2024). The verb “hayya” is between transitivity and immanence. Journal of Education College Wasit University, 54(1), 13-20.