The role of information alertness in improving the performance of workers in libraries and information centers
alertness, information, information alertness, performance, employees, improvement, libraries, information institutions, employee performanceAbstract
The current study aims to identify the concept of information alertness and its role in improving the performance of workers in various institution, including libraries and advanced information centers. the descriptive inductive approach was used to describe and analyze the literature that dealt with the subject as it is the appropriate and suitable approach for the current study. the study reached a set results, the most important of which are:
1- The results of the study show that the type of organizational structure greatly affects the success of the information awareness system launched by any library, as it shows the analysis and job description of each person, the tasks and activities that fall within his relationship, and coordination between most of the divisions and departments, and this is what was confirmed by the first hypothesis of the study.
2- Vigilance contributes to activating, rationalizing and improving the library’s performance, as it allows it to remain in constant contact with its surroundings, which is stated in the second hypothesis of the study.
3- University libraries focus on information related to beneficiaries primarily and then on information related to competitors and technology. This is related to the third hypothesis related to the different types of information that they rely on depending on the nature of their activity.
The study also proposed a set of recommendations, the most important of which are:
1-The need for libraries, information centers and institutions to harness their resources to develop and improve the performance of their workers in the field of information awareness.
2- The library must follow up on all the changes and developments that take place around it so that it has the ability to keep pace with them and keep pace with this progress and development.
3- The importance of libraries and information institutions developing external relations with other institutions, sharing information, cooperating in using modern technology and disseminating it on their websites
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